The ALGS Championship Sale was a minor event for Season 9 of Apex Legends that ran from May 18th, 2021 to June 1st, 2021. It featured a sale containing bundles with animal-themed Legend skins and Charms.
This event also served as a fundraiser for the ALGS Championship prize pool. Each purchase on any bundle contributed $5 USD to the total prize pool, up to $2 million USD. Additionally, a purchase of the Animal Kingdom Bundle contributed an extra $20 USD to the prize pool. (This means that the prize pool can go from $1 million USD to $3 million USD.)
Store Items[ | ]
- Legend skins
Wild Speed
OctaneBoared To Death
- Banner Frames
Wild Spirit
OctaneWild Swine
FuseChange of Color
PathfinderKing of the Jungle
- Charms