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Charge Rifle
Charge Rifle
Charged beam sniper rifle.
Icon Charge Rifle Icon
Type Sniper
Ammo Sniper Ammo Sniper Ammo
Fire modes Single Single
Manufacturer Vinson Dynamics Icon Vinson Dynamics
Attachment Slots
Extended Sniper MagOpticsSniper Stock
75~110 150~220 (2×) 68~99 (0.9×)
RPM 26
DPS 48
Magazine 4 / 5 / 6 / 8
Tac reload time 3.5 / 3.38 / 3.27 / 3.15
Full reload time 4.6 / 4.45 / 4.29 / 4.14

The Charge Rifle is a railgun introduced in Season 3 Season 3 that utilizes Sniper Ammo Sniper Ammo.

When the trigger is pressed, there is a 0.85 second charge delay before the shot is fired. The projectile the Charge Rifle fires is subjected to a damage increase the further it travels: starting with 75 damage at 57 meters, it gradually increases by 1 damage every ~7 meters traveled (76 DMG at 56-62 meters, 77 DMG at 63-69 meters, and so on), eventually reaching 110 damage at 300+ meters.



Main article: Attachments

Damage Profile[]

Closest range
Target Modifiers Damage Damage Shots to kill
100 HP 150 HP 175 HP 200 HP 225 HP
- 150 1 1 2 2 2
Helmet LV.1 135 1 2 2 2 2
Helmet LV.2 113 1 2 2 2 2
Helmet LV.3/4 101 1 2 2 2 3
Body - 75 2 2 3 3 3
Fortified Fortified 64 2 3 3 4 4
- 68 2 3 3 3 4
Fortified Fortified 57 2 3 4 4 4

Farthest range
Target Modifiers Damage Damage Shots to kill
100 HP 150 HP 175 HP 200 HP 225 HP
- 220 1 1 1 1 2
Helmet LV.1 198 1 1 1 2 2
Helmet LV.2 165 1 1 2 2 2
Helmet LV.3/4 149 1 2 2 2 2
Body - 110 1 2 2 2 3
Fortified Fortified 94 2 2 2 3 3
- 99 2 2 2 3 3
Fortified Fortified 84 2 2 3 3 3

Advanced Stats[]

Variable Value Description
fire_rate 1.3 Rounds fired in one second.
charge_time 0.85 Time to charge shots to fire. Expressed in seconds.
charge_cooldown_time 1.1 Time delay between two shots. Expressed in seconds.
charge_cooldown_delay 0.1
projectile_launch_speed 33501 Speed at which projectiles travel.
Expressed in hammer units per second, equals to 851 meters per second.
spread_stand_hip 4 Hipfire spread radius while standing.
spread_stand_hip_run 5.5 Hipfire spread radius while walking.
spread_stand_hip_sprint 6 Hipfire spread radius while sprinting.
spread_crouch_hip 3.25 Hipfire spread radius while crouching.
spread_air_hip 6 Hipfire spread radius while in the air.
deployfirst_time 1.5 Time before the weapon can be fired after picking it up for the first time. Expressed in seconds.
deploy_time 0.8 Time to bring out the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
holster_time 0.5 Time to holster the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
raise_time 0.7 Time to bring out the weapon after performing an action. Expressed in seconds.
lower_time 0.4 Time to holster the weapon before performing an action. Expressed in seconds.
zoom_time_in 0.2 Time to enter ADS with the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
zoom_time_out 0.15 Time to exit ADS with the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
ads_move_speed_scale 0.35 Multiplier applied to the Legend's movement speed while ADS with the weapon.
spread_stand_ads 0 Spread radius when standing and ADS.
spread_crouch_ads 0 Spread radius when crouching and ADS.
spread_air_ads 0 Spread radius when in the air and ADS.

Weapon Mastery[]

Charge Rifle Icon MASTERY TRIALS
Level Trial Name Requirements
20 I See You... Down an enemy with ADS with any Sniper optic equipped. 25 times
40 ONE CHARGED-GUN Crack at least 3 enemies' armor with charged shot in one match. 20 times
60 Light Show Down an enemy with the weapon after the target damaged you with Charge Rifle. 10 times
80 Cauterized Hit multiple targets with one shot. 5 times
100 Go The Distance Down and finish off at least 2 enemies from 200 meters away in one match. 3 times


This portable beam cannon was originally designed to take down Titans in the field, so imagine what it can do to a human. The Charge Rifle's signature orange beam starts charging on trigger-pull and fires automatically when fully charged. This unique firing cadence makes accuracy essential - a poorly aimed shot will leave the operator vulnerable to return fire. A shot that lands, however, can finish the fight before it starts.

The Charge Rifles used in the Apex Games are manufactured by Vinson Dynamics. Notable changes from its Frontier War-era model include a smaller profile, more compact build, and a completely reworked firing system, shooting out a beam that rapidly increases in damage instead of charging for a single massive blast.

In 2735, Vinson Dynamics shared plans internally for a redesign of the Apex Games' implementation of the Charge Rifle.[1]


There are a total of 74 skins for the Charge Rifle: 19 Legendary, 9 epic, 30 Rare, and 16 Common.

  1. It was named "Nocturnal Elegance" before it was changed due to sharing the name with a Devotion LMG skin.
  2. 2.0 2.1 This skin is reactive.




  • Prior models of the Charge Rifle were manufactured by Wonyeon Wonyeon as an anti-Titan weapon.
    • The Charge Rifle is currently the only anti-Titan weapon adapted for use in the Apex Games.
  • The Charge Rifle's "magazine" is a battery.[6]

See also[]

