Apex Legends Wiki
Inventory gear slots

Gear slots in the inventory. Left to right: Legend Armor, Shield Core, Helmet, Knockdown Shield, Backpack, and Survival.

Gear have their own slots in the inventory. There are five types of equippable gear: Shield Core, Helmet, Knockdown Shield, Backpack, and Survival.

Gear comes in different levels, each with a different rarity. Level 4 gear has the same stats as Level 3 gear, but they grant the player perks.

  • Level 1 is Common.
  • Level 2 is Rare.
  • Level 3 is epic.
  • Level 4 is referred to as Legendary (or Mythic if it is a Shield Core).

The game prevents players from swapping gear with gear of equal or lower level.

In addition to equippable gear, there are also deployable gear known as Survival items.

As part of the Starter Kit for Battle Royale, each Legend drops with a Level 1 Helmet Helmet, Level 1Legend Armor with a Level 1 Shield Core, a Level 1 Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield, 2 Syringe Syringes, and 2 Shield Cell Shield Cells).
Level 1 Helmets and Knockdown Shields cannot be found as loot, unless a player drops them for a better Helmet or Knockdown Shield.

Helmet[ | ]

Helmets decrease damage from headshots.

Common Helmet Item

LV. 1 Helmet

Helmet Helmet
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Minor headshot damage reduction.

  • Reduces the extra damage from headshots by 20%. The expression is where is the base damage and is the headshot multiplier.
    • For example, if the base damage is 100 and the headshot multiplier is 2, the equation is .

Rare Helmet Item

LV. 2 Helmet

Helmet Helmet
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Moderate headshot damage reduction.

  • Reduces the extra damage from headshots by 50%. The expression is where is the base damage and is the headshot multiplier.
    • For example, if the base damage is 100 and the headshot multiplier is 2, the equation is .

Epic Helmet Item

LV. 3 Helmet

Helmet Helmet
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Maximum headshot damage reduction.

  • Reduces the extra damage from headshots by 65%. The expression is where is the base damage and is the headshot multiplier.
    • For example, if the base damage is 100 and the headshot multiplier is 2, the equation is .

Legendary Helmet Item

LV. 4 Helmet

Helmet Helmet
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Maximum headshot damage reduction.
[FAST CHARGE]: Reduces Tactical & Ultimate recharge time.

  • Reduces the extra damage from headshots by 65%. The expression is where is the base damage and is the headshot multiplier.
    • For example, if the base damage is 100 and the headshot multiplier is 2, the equation is .
  • Reduces Tactical & Ultimate recharge time by 20%.

  • It is not very necessary to use it while playing Octane (unless all other teammates have one already) since his stim's cooldown is only reduced by half a second and his jump pad already charges quickly. In Mirage's case, his ultimate will simply charge up quicker than Octane's jump pad. Also, Horizon's tactical ability charges 10 seconds slower than Mirage's, so it is not that necessary to have it unless everyone else's abilities recharge at a moderate speed.
  • Try to find it while playing as (or give it to) support and defensive characters, such as Lifeline or Gibraltar, so they can set out traps and airstrikes more often, and send care packages at a faster rate.

Armor[ | ]

Armor grants the player shields. The shields can be recharged using Shield Cell Shield Cells, Shield Battery Shield Batteries, or Phoenix Kit Phoenix Kits; or by completing a finisher; or by looting a Shield Core from a Death Box.

There are three types of armor: Body Shield Body Shields, Evo Shield Evo Shields, and Legend Armor that is fuled by Shield Cores. Body Shield Body Shields and Evo Shield Evo Shields are no longer available in Battle Royale. This includes the Level 4 Shield with the Perk [IMPROVED MINOR HEAL].

Body Shield[ | ]

No longer available in Battle Royale.

Evo Shield[ | ]

No longer available in Battle Royale.

Legend Armor[ | ]

Legend Armor is a non-lootable item tied to Legends. It dictates the max capacity of a Legend's Shield HP.
Legend Armor can be upgrade by completing actions that grant EVO points.
The Legend Upgrade system is attached to Legend Armor.
Legend Armor is fueled by Shield Cores.

Evo Shield Level 1
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Can absorb up to 50 damage.

  • Evolves to Level 2 after gaining 450 EVO points.

Rare EvoShield Item

LV. 2 Evo Shield

Evo Shield Level 2
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Can absorb up to 75 damage.

  • Gives first Legend Upgrade
  • Evolves to Level 3 after gaining 1350 EVO points.

Epic EvoShield Item

LV. 3 Evo Shield

Evo Shield Level 3
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Can absorb up to 100 damage.

  • Gives second Legend Upgrade
  • Evolves to Level 4 after gaining 2000 EVO points.

Mythic EvoShield Item

LV. 5 Evo Shield

Evo Shield Level 4
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Can absorb up to 125 damage. Fully evolved.

Max Level

  • While Shield Cell Shield Cells still heal only 1 bar (25 health), Shield Battery Shield Batteries can heal all 5 bars (125 health), making them even more valuable, so it's best to carry more of them than you usually would (e.g. three stacks/6)
  • Completing a Finisher refills all Shield HP.

EVO point values for Legend Armor[ | ]

EVO Point Values
Actions Points Gain
Re-knocking Legends, damage to knocked Legends, Destructible Legend abilities, Survival Gear, Cargo Bots, Loot Spheres, and MRVNS. 0 -
Interacting with Supply Bins, Charge Towers, Crafters, MRVNS, and Gold MRVN Arms. 0 -
Damage to Wildlife : Spiders, Prowlers, and Flyers. 0.25 Personal
Damage to Legends directly. 1 Personal
Killing a Flyer. 50 Personal
Crate Reveal (Supply Drop). 50 Team
Banner Recovery. 2x the points for double recovery. 75 Team
Underdog Bonus : teammate knocking an opponent with a higher Armor level (no assist). 100 Team
Assist, Finisher or Crate Looted 100 Personal
Revive, Squad Wipe.
Opening Extended Supply Bins as an Assault Class Assault or a Support Class Support class.
100 Team
Respawn Beacon Respawning a teammate. 2x the points for double respawn. 125 Team
Knocking down an opponent. 150 Personal
Clearing Wildlife Nest (spiders or prowlers : Points are only awarded to teammates in the area). 150 Team
Scanning MapIcon Survey Beacon Survey Beacons or MapIcon Ring Console Ring Consoles, and opening MapIcon Vault Vaults. 200 Team
Underdog Bonus : knocking/assist an opponent with a higher Armor level. 250 Personal
Completing Bloodhound's Trials. 250 Team
EVO Harvesters. 350 Team
Full EVO Caches found in MapIcon Vault Vaults or Care Packages.
Amount of EVO points awarded depends on current Armor Level.
Armor level up guaranteed.

Evo Shield = 500 points.
Evo Shield = 1800 points.
Evo Shield = 3800 points.

500 to 3800 Personal

You do not receive Team EVO while you are dead.
You will retain your last Armor Level and retain all EVO progress on Respawn.
Olympus is only map without consistent map provided EVO sources.

Shield Core[ | ]

Shield Cores provide Shield HP to Legend Armor

[[File:Level 1.png|100x100px]] Level 1
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Grants 50 Shield HP.

  • Can be looted from Death Boxs.
  • Can only be looted if your current Shield HP is lower than the amount granted by the Shield Core.

  • You can drop Shield Cores for allies who are being revived or low on Shield HP. This way they can pick it up and have some shield HP instantly after revive.

[[File:Level 2.png|100x100px]] Level 2
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Grants 75 Shield HP.

  • Can be looted from Death Boxs.
  • Can only be looted if your current Shield HP is lower than the amount granted by the Shield Core.

  • You can drop Shield Cores for allies who are being revived or low on Shield HP. This way they can pick it up and have some shield HP instantly after revive.

[[File:Level 3.png|100x100px]] Level 3
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Grants 100 Shield HP.

  • Can be looted from Death Boxs.
  • Can only be looted if your current Shield HP is lower than the amount granted by the Shield Core.

  • You can drop Shield Cores for allies who are being revived or low on Shield HP. This way they can pick it up and have some shield HP instantly after revive.

[[File:Level 4.png|100x100px]] Level 4
Type Defense
Time to use ?
Description Grants 125 Shield HP.

  • Can be looted from Death Boxs.
  • Can only be looted if your current Shield HP is lower than the amount granted by the Shield Core.

  • You can drop Shield Cores for allies who are being revived or low on Shield HP. This way they can pick it up and have some shield HP instantly after revive.

Picking up Shield Cores with an Armor Level higher than yours nets Overshield for 30 seconds, equal to the rarity of the Shield Core.
Upon Armor Level Up, your current Shield HP does not change; instead, your shield gradually heals up to the new max capacity. The heal will be permanently stopped by any damage or Seer tactical.

Knockdown Shield[ | ]

Knockdown Shields allow downed players to protect themselves. The shields are restored when the player is no longer down. Players can bypass Knockdown Shields with finishers.

Common KnockdownShield Item

LV. 1 Knockdown Shield

Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Directional damage protection while knocked down (Max: 200 Damage).

  • Reduces movement speed to 55%.

Rare KnockdownShield Item

LV. 2 Knockdown Shield

Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Directional damage protection while knocked down (Max: 450 Damage).

  • Reduces movement speed to 55%.

Epic KnockdownShield Item

LV. 3 Knockdown Shield

Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Directional damage protection while knocked down (Max: 750 Damage).

  • Reduces movement speed to 55%.

Legendary KnockdownShield Item

LV. 4 Knockdown Shield

Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Directional damage protection while knocked down (Max: 750 Damage).
[GUARDIAN ANGEL]: You revive squadmates with bonus shields and health.

  • Reduces movement speed to 55%.
  • Restores 50 shields and 50 health, in addition to the 20 health restored by the revive. In other words, the revived player will have 50 shields and 70 health.
    • The bonus shields are not additive with any remaining shields the player may have (due to being downed by direct health damage). The player will always be revived with total of 50 shields, unless they had more remaining.
  • In Mobile, allows the user to self-revive, which takes approximately 12 seconds, about double the time of a normal revive.
  • The UI for the Gold Knockdown Shield has a Gold Bar to better convey to the player when they are using or being revived with the perk.
  • While a player is being revived with a gold knockdown shield, there is a slight "charged" effect and a special sound effect to indicate the gold knockdown shield is being used. After the player is revived, they will momentarily glow in the color of their shield to indicate that a Guardian Angel revive occurred.

  • There are 4 legends you must prioritize with a gold knockdown shield: 1, Gibraltar, 2, Lifeline, 3, Mirage, and 4, Newcastle as their revives can be augmented with their abilities. Make sure to give this knockdown shield to these four legends to ensure a better chance at survival when you’re revived. If none of these legends are on your squad, consider giving the gold knockdown shields to legends like Caustic or Bangalore who can provide artificial cover with gas/smoke, or Wraith who can use her portal to provide a safer revive.

Backpack[ | ]

Backpacks increase inventory size.

Common Backpack Item

LV. 1 Backpack

Backpack lvl1 Backpack
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Carry 2 more items.

  • Gives the player 12 inventory slots.

Rare Backpack Item

LV. 2 Backpack

Backpack lvl2 Backpack
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Carry 4 more items.

  • Gives the player 14 inventory slots.

Epic Backpack Item

LV. 3 Backpack

Backpack lvl3 Backpack
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Carry 6 more items.

  • Gives the player 16 inventory slots.

Legendary Backpack Item

LV. 4 Backpack

Backpack lvl3 Backpack
Type Gear
Time to use ?
Description Carry 6 more items.
[DEEP POCKETS]: Large medical supplies stack higher in your inventory.

  • Gives the player 16 inventory slots.
  • Increases the max stack size for Shield Battery Shield Battery, Med Kit Med Kit, and Phoenix Kit Phoenix Kit by one.
  • In Mobile, players who have it equipped can revive their teammates with bonus health.

Survival[ | ]

Survival items are deployable items that are situational but they provide immense utility. There are three survival items: the Heat Shield Heat Shield, the Mobile Respawn Beacon Mobile Respawn Beacon, and the Evac Tower Evac Tower. As there is only 1 Survival Slot, players cannot carry more than one type, but they can still swap survival items.

Heat Shield[ | ]

Heat Shield Heat Shield
Type Survival
Time to use ?
Description Ring damage protection in an area.
Increases speed of revives outside the ring by 25%.

  • Spawns in stacks of 2.
  • Up to 2 Heat Shields can be stacked in the Survival Slot.
  • Inside the Ring, the Heat Shield does nothing. It disappears if the Ring does not touch it within 45 seconds.
  • The shield starts at 100%; while absorbing ring damage, it takes damage every 1.5 seconds. The amount is based on the round.
    • 5% for Rounds 1 and 2. (Maximum duration is 30 seconds.)
    • 6% for Round 3. (Maximum duration is 25.5 seconds.)
    • 8% for Round 4. (Maximum duration is 19.5 seconds.)
    • 15% for Round 5. (Maximum duration is 10.5 seconds.)
    • 25% for Round 6. (Maximum duration is 6 seconds.)
    • 100% while Round 6 is closing. (Maximum duration is 1.5 seconds.)

  • It is best to use this when you are far away from the Ring, in the earlier rounds, or being pushed to the Ring by an enemy team, or trying to get out of cover, in the later rounds.
  • You don't have to be fully inside the Heat Shield for it to protect you. If only Legend's legs are inside of it it will take effect.

Mobile Respawn Beacon[ | ]

Mobile Respawn Beacon Mobile Respawn Beacon
Type Survival
Time to use ?
Description Creates a respawn beacon at your position.

  • Deploys a small respawn beacon. Takes about 15 seconds to land.
  • Takes 7 seconds to use (instead of 5 like regular Respawn Beacon Respawn Beacons).
  • Each Mobile Respawn Beacon can only be used once, and once used it will be destroyed.

  • Mobile Respawn Beacons make a lot of noise when deploying and emit a bright green beam to the sky while deployed, so they can be very easily tracked by nearby squads.
  • Crypto is an excellent Legend to use with the Mobile Respawn Beacon as he can get his teammates' banners safely at a distance with his Surveillance Drone Surveillance Drone.
  • Like a normal Respawn Beacon Respawn Beacon, Mirage will become invisible while respawning his teammates. Also, mobile respawn beacons can be used as portable covers.
  • Due to their small size, you will be more exposed when using a Mobile Respawn Beacon as opposed to a normal Respawn Beacon Respawn Beacon.

Evac Tower[ | ]

Evac Tower Evac Tower
Type Survival
Time to use ?
Description Emergency inflatable for rapid extraction. Balloon can be damaged. Handle with care.

  • Deploys a jump tower. Takes roughly 5 seconds until ready.
  • Once ready, the Evac Tower starts at 100%.
    • 4% is taken off every second. (Maximum duration is 25 seconds from ready.)
    • An additional 1% is taken off every 20 damage received.
    • The Evac Tower will not self destruct if a legend is riding the zipline.

Node Tracker[ | ]

Node Tracker Node Tracker
Type Survival
Time to use ?
Description ???

  • Exclusive to the Node Tracker Takeover mode.
  • When held, points the player towards the nearest Compute Node Zone.
  • Disappears after Nodes are granted.

Copycat Kit[ | ]

File:Copycat Kit.svg Copycat Kit
Type Survival
Time to use ?
Description A copied tactical/ultimate ability from one of your favorite legends.

History[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

Armor levels in Battle Royale

Armor in Battle Royale.

  • Initially, all armor were Body Shield Body Shields. The System Override System Override event introduced Evo Shield Evo Shields as a high risk, high reward alternative that only spawned in Level 1. As of Season 6 Season 6, Evo Shields replaced all Body Shields in Battle Royale (except Level 4).
    • Because Body Shields were originally the default, if a player requests for armor by pinging the armor slot in the inventory, the Legend will ask for a Body Shield.
  • Despite being the fourth stage in evolution, red Evo Shields are actually Level 5. This is no longer the case for Legend Armor.
  • Evo Shields also come in Level 0. They do not actually exist (they are treated as no armor), but they do evolve to Level 1 after doing 100 damage. They used to be equipped on the drop, until Starter Kits made them obsolete. It used to be possible get a Level 0 Evo Shield by depositing the player's current armor into a Replicator.
  • Before the addition of the Survival Slot in the Chaos Theory Chaos Theory event, the Mobile Respawn Beacon Mobile Respawn Beacon was stored in the regular inventory slots and was previously classified as a Regen item.

See also[ | ]
