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Mastiff Shotgun
Mastiff Shotgun
Powerful semi-auto shotgun.
Icon Mastiff Shotgun Icon
Type Shotgun
Ammo Shotgun Shells Shotgun Shells
Fire modes Single-fire Icon Single
Manufacturer Lastimosa Armory Lastimosa Armory
Attachment Slots
Shotgun BoltOpticsStandard Stock
11×8 14×8 (1.25×) 11×8
RPM 66 / 73 / 76 / 79
DPS 97 / 107 / 111 / 116
Magazine 5
Tac reload time Segmented[1]
Full reload time Segmented[1]

The Mastiff Shotgun, or Mastiff, is a semi-automatic shotgun that utilizes Shotgun Shells Shotgun Shells. It fires 8 pellets in the shape of a horizontal line, which decreases in width while aiming down the sights, reducing the spread and thus increasing accuracy.

Being a shotgun, the Mastiff affects Mad Maggie's movement speed because of her Warlord's Ire Warlord's Ire Passive ability.




Damage Profile[]

Note: Fortified Fortified headshot damage may vary ±8. This is due to uncertainty over whether Fortified reduces non rounded or rounded damage numbers. This difference is negligible on non pellet based weapons.

Target Modifiers Damage Damage[note 1] Bursts to kill
100 HP 150 HP 175 HP 200 HP 225 HP
- 112 1 2 2 2 3
Helmet LV.1 104 1 2 2 2 3
Helmet LV.2 96 2 2 2 3 3
Helmet LV.3/4 96 2 2 2 3 3
Body - 88 2 2 2 3 3
Fortified Fortified 72 2 3 3 3 4
- 88 2 2 2 3 3
Fortified Fortified 72 2 3 3 3 4
  1. Shotgun damage is calculated per pellet.
    Correct: 11 dmg/pellet x 1.25 = 13.75 dmg/pellet ≈ 14 dmg/pellet, resulting in 112 damage total.
    Incorrect: 88 dmg x 1.25 = 110 dmg.

Advanced Stats[]

Variable Value Description
fire_rate 1.1 Rounds fired in one second.
projectile_launch_speed 16000 Speed at which projectiles travel.
Expressed in hammer units per second, equals to 305 meters per second.
headshot_distance 1500 Distance at which shots can no longer deal headshots.
Expressed in hammer units, equals to 38 meters.
spread_stand_hip 0 Hipfire spread radius while standing.
spread_stand_hip_run 0 Hipfire spread radius while walking.
spread_stand_hip_sprint 0 Hipfire spread radius while sprinting.
spread_crouch_hip 0 Hipfire spread radius while crouching.
spread_air_hip 0 Hipfire spread radius while in the air.
deployfirst_time 1.25 Time before the weapon can be fired after picking it up for the first time. Expressed in seconds.
deploy_time 0.45 Time to bring out the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
holster_time 0.4 Time to holster the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
raise_time 0.3 Time to bring out the weapon after performing an action. Expressed in seconds.
lower_time 0.25 Time to holster the weapon after performing an action. Expressed in seconds.
zoom_time_in 0.22 Time to enter ADS with the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
zoom_time_out 0.2 Time to exit ADS with the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
ads_move_speed_scale 0.9 Multiplier applied to the Legend's movement speed while ADS with the weapon.
spread_stand_ads 0 Spread radius when standing and ADS.
spread_crouch_ads 0 Spread radius when crouching and ADS.
spread_air_ads 0 Spread radius when in the air and ADS.

Weapon Mastery[]

Mastiff Shotgun Icon MASTERY TRIALS
Level Trial Name Requirements
20 Full Picture Land all pellets in a blast. 25 times
40 Party Mode Damage at least 2 enemies in one shot. 20 times
60 Eye to Eye Down an enemy with headshot while ADS. 20 times
80 BOOM! Down an enemy with the weapon equipped with a minimum [Lv.3 Shotgun Bolt]. 15 times
100 High Roller Deal at least 400 damage within 6 shots. 10 times


Originally designed as an anti-Pilot shotgun for ground troops, the Mastiff is a powerhouse against even the toughest adversaries. Each Mastiff shell separates into "microslugs" when fired, spreading in a predictable and deadly horizontal pattern. Given the intricate nature of its design, the cost and time associated with creating a Mastiff makes it a rare but prized firearm.

The M1901 Mastiff Combat Shotgun was developed specifically for low-gravity close-quarters engagements. The kinetic energy produced when fired in low-gravity can severely unbalance its user with massive recoil, so the engineers at Lastimosa Armory incorporated a muzzle velocity dampening system which mitigates that energy and greatly reduces recoil.

Intended for low to zero gravity ship boarding and clearing operations, the Mastiff gained notoriety throughout The Frontier as a reliable and devastating combat shotgun. Shells can be fed through the under-mounted magazine or with the optional drum magazine upgrade. Troops from the IMC's 401st often refer to it as the "Mobile Claymore" as its high rate of fire proved to be devastating.[2]


There are a total of 74 skins for the Mastiff Shotgun; 16 Legendary, 8 epic, 34 Rare, and 16 Common.

  1. 1.0 1.1 This skin is reactive.



  • According to Bangalore, the Mastiff fires incendiary rounds.
  • Mad Maggie has a unique animation when she picks up a Mastiff, along with some voice lines.
  • The Mastiff is the first weapon that got placed inside Care Packages more than once.
  • The Mastiff is one of the two guns in the game to reload one or two bullets at a time rather than its entire magazine, the other being the 30-30 Repeater.
  • The Mastiff was named after Respawn's IT Manager, Roni Papouban's, dog.[2]
  • The fire mode selector seen on the Warp Zone, The Pest Controller, Final Boss, Pixel Hunter, and Game Over skins displays the options for a burst and full auto mode, which the Mastiff is unable to switch to in game.


See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Mastiff reloads its rounds one by one, therefore its reload times vary depending on how many rounds are inserted. Tactical reload animation for the first round lasts 1.03 / 1 / 0.96 / 0.93 seconds. Full reload animation for the first round lasts 1.7 / 1.64 / 1.59 / 1.53 seconds. Each round subsequently loaded after the first one is added every 0.51 / 0.49 / 0.48 / 0.46 seconds. After ending the reload, a final animation lasting 0.55 seconds is played.

    • 1 round: 1.58 / 1.55 / 1.51 / 1.48 seconds (tactical), 2.25 / 2.19 / 2.14 / 2.08 seconds (full)
    • 2 rounds: 2.09 / 2.04 / 1.99 / 1.94 seconds (tactical), 2.76 / 2.68 / 2.62 / 2.54 seconds (full)
    • 3 rounds: 2.6 / 2.53 / 2.47 / 2.4 seconds (tactical), 3.27 / 3.17 / 3.1 / 3 seconds (full)
    • 4 rounds: 3.11 / 3.02 / 2.95 / 2.86 seconds (tactical), 3.78 / 3.66 / 3.58 / 3.46 seconds (full)
    • 5 rounds: 4.29 / 4.15 / 4.06 / 3.92 seconds.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ryan Lastimosa on ArtStation
  3. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/18dKkZ