Apex Legends Wiki
Apex Legends Wiki
After the funeral, I stood in our kitchen, and it was so... quiet. I had dreamt of quiet like that, but now that I had it, I was terrified. And alone. I sat on the floor, and I know how silly this sounds, but I hid under the table. That was where they found me. Anita. Makoa. Ajay. Even Dr. Caustic and he hates everybody. They’d just as soon stab each other in the back. Or the front. But they put that all aside. To support me. The electrician’s kid. I thought I knew what family was. But my equations were incomplete. My family is here. At the Games. And now it’s my turn to support them. With every last charge in me.[1]
Static Defender
Real Name Natalie Paquette
Gender Female
Age 24
Homeworld Solace
Height 5'4" (163 cm)[2]
Class Controller Class Controller
Tactical Ability Perimeter Security Perimeter Security
Passive Ability Spark of Genius Spark of Genius
Ultimate Ability Interception Pylon Interception Pylon
Real-world Info
Voice Actor Justine Huxley

Wattson Icon Wattson is a Controller Controller Legend. She was introduced in Season 2 Season 2 and is locked from the base game. She can be unlocked by using digital currency; either Legend Tokens 12,000 or Apex Coins 750, or by buying the Champion Edition downloadable content.

An electricity based Legend, Wattson’s tactical ability Perimeter Security Perimeter Security places fence poles with connecting beams of electricity that damage and stun enemies that pass through the beams. Her passive ability Spark of Genius Spark of Genius causes her shields to slowly regenerate over time and causes an Ultimate Accelerant Ultimate Accelerant to fully recharge her ultimate ability. Her ultimate ability Interception Pylon Interception Pylon destroys all grenades, missiles, and other throwables when they get near, and will also recharge all players' shields within a certain radius.


Perimeter Security[]

Perimeter Security Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Perimeter Security
Description Create electrified fences by connecting nodes. Fences damage and slow enemies.
Cooldown 15 seconds

  • You can hold up to 4 charges of this ability.
    • You gain one charge every 15 seconds, and can pick up unused nodes to regain a charge.
  • Up to 12 nodes can be active on the map at once. Deploying a new node at the max amount will destroy the oldest node.
    • Fence nodes can be placed as soon as the weapon is readied, instead of waiting for the animation to finish.
    • Wattson moves at Unarmed-speed while readying/placing Fence nodes.
    • Nodes must be within 30 meters to be able to create a fence between them. A node can be connected with up to 2 other nodes at the same time.
    • Fences cannot connect through walls/terrain.
    • Each node has 25 health and no set duration.
  • When an enemy passes through, the breached fence's location is pinged on the screen and map.
    • Fences deal 20 damage once every second if an enemy is in contact with them.
    • The slow lasts 3 seconds.
  • Fences will disengage for 0.4 seconds when Wattson or her squadmates pass through them.

  • Doors that get in the way of a fence will shatter.
  • Wattson can connect her nodes to nodes placed by enemy Wattsons. The fence in between will belong to the Wattson who linked them.
  • The fences cannot be damaged by friendly fire.
  • The fences cannot be damaged by the Ring.
  • The fences can trigger Caustic's Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Trap.
  • The fences can be damaged by an enemy Caustic's Nox Gas.
  • The fences ignore Knockdown Shield Knockdown Shield health and will damage the health of those affected.
  • The fences can't be seen through Bangalore's Smoke Launcher Smoke Launcher.
  • Gibraltar's Dome of Protection Dome of Protection will block line of sight for nodes like any wall would.
  • Crypto's Drone EMP Drone EMP will destroy every node in range.
  • Tridents passing through fences will be disabled for 5 seconds.

  • The fences are NOT traps. Like the name implies, the fences are to guard your flanks and alert you to enemies, slow them down or force them to a choke point your squad is guarding.
  • Most of the time, your goal is not to get enemies to run into your fences. It's to scare them into avoiding a particular route.
  • Fences are only effective defenses if you or a squadmate is present to punish enemies that walk through them. An unattended fence is barely a threat.
  • Hide the nodes behind cover and close to your Interception Pylon Interception Pylon so enemies must approach to destroy the fences.
  • The best spots to place fence nodes are spots where an approaching enemy can't easily shoot them without leaving themselves wide open. This includes:
    • Placing wide fences across narrow doorways.
    • Placing fences at the top of a ledge an enemy might climb.
    • Placing nodes behind railings, planter boxes, or other existing cover on the map.
    • Placing fences at the end of a zipline, especially a vertical one.
  • If a fence spot is really effective, use a third node to turn it into a triangle. This way, enemies will be hit multiple times if they go through it. This is especially effective at the top of vertical ziplines.
  • Don't just use fences on the inside of buildings to keep enemies out; also use them on the outside of buildings to keep enemies in.
  • Stand in the way of fences to disengage them and trick enemies into thinking it's safe to rush you down.
  • Be careful using fences near destructible doors. If the doors open into the fence, they'll break, and you won't be able to use them for cover anymore.
  • When defending an area with a larger, indestructible door, place fences through the door so they'll deactivate when the door is closed. If an enemy opens that door, the fences will reactivate, and could catch them off guard.
  • The fences don't require solid ground between nodes, so you can place them over gaps like stairways or vertical ziplines.
  • Remember that you can 'select' an unconnected node to make the next node you place connect to it. Use this to quickly place a fence without having to cross dangerous areas to place both ends.
  • Place fences in front of hallways like ones in the Pit, Bunker, etc so if an enemy squad is escaping the Ring, they will likely panic and run through them, slowing them and may result in a kill because of fatal damage involving the Ring. Extremely effective in later rounds.
  • Don't place your nodes in a hallway unless you are forced to, as they can be easily shot by enemies.
  • When working with a Wraith, place fences through her Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift to instantly electrocute enemies that chase you through it.

  • On very rare occasions, enemy Wattson fences can be invisible to certain players.
  • On very rare occasions, placing too many fences in a certain area can cause the game to crash.

Spark of Genius[]

Spark of Genius Passive
Spark of Genius
Description Ultimate Accelerant Ultimate Accelerants fully charge Wattson's ultimate and she can carry more Ultimate Accelerants. Wattson slowly restores her shields over time.

  • Wattson recharges 1 shield per second, after avoiding damage for 6 seconds.
  • Wattson may store up to 2 Ultimate Accelerant Ultimate Accelerants per inventory slot.

  • If you find an Ultimate Accelerant Ultimate Accelerant at the start of the match, use it as it'll give Wattson much more potential.
  • It's best to carry at least one stack of Ultimate Accelerant Ultimate Accelerants in your Inventory at all times.
  • Try saving an Ultimate Accelerant Ultimate Accelerant for the last few rounds (especially on Rounds 5 or higher) as her abilities increase in utility as the play area shrinks.
  • This ability can allow you to save up on shield cells and shield batteries.
  • Just like Octane's Swift Mend Swift Mend, this ability will take a very long time to fully recharge your shields, so it should only be counted on when you only have a few shields to heal.

Interception Pylon[]

Interception Pylon Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Interception Pylon
Description Place an electrified pylon that destroys incoming ordnance and repairs damaged shields. Standing near Pylons boosts Wattson's tactical recharge rate. (Max: 1)
Charge time 3 minutes

  • The Pylon has 150 health and no set duration.
  • Deploying a new Pylon while already having one deployed will automatically destroy the existing Pylon.
  • The Pylon is neutral and therefore can recharge enemy shields and shoot down your squad's ordnance if they enter its 25 meter radius
  • The Pylon can recharge up to 250 shields, shared between all legends.
    • Recharges 1 shield every 0.2 seconds.
    • Taking damage while regenerating Shields via the Pylon delays continued regeneration by 1 second.
    • Remaining shields can be seen as a countdown around the base or by hovering over the placed Pylon's ping.
  • Ordnance is zapped when the Pylon detects that it would hit any surface within the 25 meter radius and line of sight of the Pylon.
    • The Pylon cannot destroy ordnance that has already landed.
  • Perimeter Security charges have 3-second cooldowns instead of 15 when near an Interception Pylon, made by either you or another Wattson.

  • Hide the Pylon into a place where it cannot be shot, like building corners.
  • While fighting behind cover and needing to heal, you can place a Pylon nearby and while using a consumable, you'll be regenerating shield health at the same time. This can also be done if you need to recover some shield health while reviving a teammate at the same time.
  • Try saving a Pylon for the last few rounds (especially on Rounds 5 or higher) as her abilities increase in utility as the play area shrinks.
  • Try to always have at least one available, so the second you hear an airstrike, you can place it on your position and it will intercept every explosive, and you can stay right where you are.
  • Don't be afraid to use this ability. Anytime you and your squad are holding down any type of cover, any ordnance an enemy squad throws to force you out of cover will ineffective. Be careful, however, as any ordnance you or your squad throws will be intercepted if thrown into the area of effect of the pylon.

Legend Upgrades[]

Main article: Legend Upgrades

Legend Upgrades are special perks introduced in Season 20 to all Battle Royale modes. These add upgrades to a Legend's abilities as you level up your Evo Armor. Only one option may be chosen per level-up for a maximum of two perks total.

Level 2 Upgrades
  • Revive Expert: Revive allies faster and with HP regen.
  • Falling Stars: Interception Pylon Interception Pylon interceptions spawn Arc Stars.
Level 3 Upgrades
  • Power Pylon: Double Interception Pylon Interception Pylon HP and shield regen and capacity.
  • Emergency Power: Doubles Ult shield generator Rate & Capacity


Main article: Wattson (character)
Natalie “Wattson” Paquette is a familiar face in the Apex Games, though for a different reason than most. Daughter of the Games’ lead electrical engineer, she studied his manuals to stay close to him, and discovered her calling at a young age. Though she could be completely distracted one moment and hyper-focused the next, electricity grounded her – its ordered, predictable flow made sense in a way the rest of the world didn’t.

She devoured every book she could on the subject, and eventually became such a skilled engineer that she was commissioned to build the Apex Games’ Modified Containment Ring. Unfortunately, her father died the day it was revealed, leaving her alone. At her lowest moment, a group of competitors invited her to return to the arena with them, assuring her she would always have a home. She now fights alongside her friends in the arena she helped build, destroying incoming missiles, recharging shields, creating fences, and using her pylon to silence fights that get too loud. Nobody knows the arena better than Wattson – anyone who underestimates her is in for a shock.

Cosmetic Items[]


There are a total of 81 Legend skins for Wattson: 1 Iconic, 32 Legendary, 14 epic, 23 Rare and 16 Common.

  1. Was originally named “Charged Conquistador”.


Main article: Finisher

Heirloom Set[]

Main article: Heirloom
Wattson Heirloom Set

Wattson's Heirloom Set.

The set contains:

  • A Banner Pose: Handled With Care
  • A Melee weapon skin: Energy Reader
  • A Intro Quip Intro Quip: "Try as you might, you can't Kilowatt...son."



Main article: Emote
  • Electric Conductor - Crafting Metals 1,200
  • Static Discharge - Crafting Metals 1,200
  • Veiled Collection Event Telekinetic Energy
  • Easter Egg - Crafting Metals 400
  • Beast of Prey Collection Event Joyful Gigawatts
  • Spellbound Collection Event Electric Boogie
  • Season 16 XOXO - Level 12
  • Sale Icon Unbridled Enthusiasm
  • Pirouette - Default

Skydive Emotes[]

Main article: Skydive Emote




Main article: Holospray

Music Packs[]

Main article: Music Pack


Main article: Transition

Voice lines[]




  • Wattson is one of three Legends to have a unique animation for reviving a squadmate, the others being Gibraltar and Newcastle. She uses her equipment like a defibrillator.
  • In early concept art, Wattson had a cybernetic arm. That idea got scrapped but it occasionally returns in non-canon skins. The real Wattson has both her arms.[3]
  • Wattson and Wraith are same height (5' 4") and they are the shortest Legends in the game.[2]
    • Though people say the Meltdown Launch Trailer portrays Wattson as taller than Wraith (timestamp 1:47) , this is just a matter of perspective and posture. A much more accurate height comparison between Wattson and Wraith can be seen at timestamp 0:51.
  • Wattson was unlockable for free between February 15-22, 2022, in celebration of the 3rd Anniversary.



